Our Priorities

We want to hear what your priorities are! Fill out the survey to make your voice heard.

Here is the platform from the 2021 Campaign.  Click here to check the status on this platform since the 2021 election. 



Racial & Economic Justice



Flip The 


Protect Workers' Rights

The issues New Orleans faces are wide and deep, and we need our City Council to approach these issues with appropriate solutions to put People First. Here are some of the priorities that Bob Murrell intends to focus on when elected to New Orleans City Council:

Housing Justice - Housing is a right

Racial and Economic Justice - Heal what has been broken pre & post-COVID

Ecological Justice & Infrastructure - Protecting our greatest resources

Flip the budget towards care over harm - Reallocate carceral & police funding back to the people

Protect Workers' Rights & Hold Extractive Industries Accountable - People over profits

Transparency & increased constituent engagement - You deserve to have your voice heard & issues fought for